The Best Time to Train Your Dog

What is the best time to train your dog? There is actually more than one best time to train your dog…there are five! We’ll be posting one of them each day this week. Here’s the second one.


Best Time #2: Throughout the Day “Captures”

Capturing the behaviors that your dog spontaneously performs is one of the easiest and quickest methods you can use to train your dog. Simply watch him and whenever he does something you want, praise him and toss him a treat. Over time, he will start offering the behaviors more frequently. Then it’s simply a matter of weaning him off the treats.

The six “Capture” behaviors we stress in our classes are:

  • sitting
  • lying down
  • going to a bed
  • picking up a toy
  • walking by your side
  • and the most important, the “check in,” that is, whenever your dog glances up at you before doing anything

Remember to jackpot the “aha” moment when the dog finally “gets” what the game is. For example, when a guest walks in the door and your dog, without being asked, pauses, lies down and looks at you. Super praise and multiple treats should rain from the heavens! That’s a jackpot.

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